Is It Safe To Exercise After Long Covid?

Do you feel like you might be ready to exercise again after Long COVID?Physical activity and exercise are one of the main pillars of a healthy lifestyle, so getting moving again should always be a priority after an illness.But with long COVID, things aren’t that simple. While you probably want to get active again andContinue Reading »

Do I Need Physical Therapy?

Chronic pain (pain which lasts for a long time) and injuries are the main reasons for seeking out a physical therapist. Physical therapy could be the best decision you make for effective and long lasting pain relief. Ask a doctor for a referral now. Physical therapy doesn’t solve your pains and aches overnight and it certainlyContinue Reading »

What Is Causing Pain In My Shoulder?

Is shoulder pain keeping you awake at night?The shoulder joint has an extensive range of motion. You can move it up, down, back, forwards, and around in a 360-degree circle if you want to. However, when an injury or damage to the bones or the surrounding muscles, ligaments, or connective tissue encases the joint occurs,Continue Reading »

Why Does My Neck Hurt?

How long is a piece of string? We joke. But in all seriousness (because neck pain really isn’t funny). There are various reasons why your neck might be sore – some lasting from a few days to others lasting weeks, months, or even longer. But some of the most common medical causes of neck painContinue Reading »

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Lupus Patients

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus) is a chronic, autoimmune inflammatory disease that can affect almost any organ system in the body. It most often develops in women during their childbearing years. Currently, there is no cure for lupus, but treatment can reduce symptoms. These frequently occur in a cycle of flare-ups and remissions. BecauseContinue Reading »

What are the risks of anti-inflammatory use?

Often patients ask me about what the “down side” is of taking over the counter or prescription anti-inflammatories. Most of these drugs have the following risks: Delayed wound healing Gastrointestinal Bleeds Hemmoraghic Occurrences Renal and Liver Toxicity Edema, Nausea Central Nervous System dizziness, stupor, tinnitus Most of our physicians when recommending non-steroidal antiinflammatories (NSAIDs) willContinue Reading »

Improve Your Golf Game This Winter

When the winter winds blow and snow covers the ground, it may be hard to think about your golf game. However, keeping yourself in condition during your sport’s off-months helps prevent “weekend warrior” syndrome—incurring injuries when you play overzealously at the beginning of the season. And the strategies we will create can make your gameContinue Reading »

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