Tom Willemann Health Tips

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“Cementing” and Knee Replacement Surgery

“Cementing” and Knee Replacement Surgery

More than 580,000 knee replacement surgeries—the vast majority of them successful—are performed in the United States each year. In this procedure, special acrylic bone cement is often employed to adhere the new artificial knee parts to your leg bones. Its technical name is polymethylmethacrylate, or PMMA. What is PMMA? In some situations, the surgeon canContinue Reading »

Treating Swimmer’s Shoulder

Treating Swimmer’s Shoulder

Swimmer’s shoulder is very common in young competitive swimmers. In this condition, several soft structures in the shoulder—the bicep tendon, the rotator cuff and the bursa—are impinged, or compressed, by the bony parts of the joint and become inflamed and painful. The condition can affect any swimmer, but those who specialize in freestyle or butterflyContinue Reading »

How to pick a good shoe

How to pick a good shoe

How to pick a good a shoe I just got an email from one of my patients.   Apparently I left a lasting impression after I commented on her very stylish sneakers but rather poor support . After bending her sneakers in every possible direction and tossing it on the floor of my clinic she realized what I thought of herContinue Reading »

You can't treat an MRI

You can't treat an MRI

You Can’t Treat an MRI Often I meet patients that are distressed after getting the results of an MRI or X-Ray. This is not unusual situation. Between the medical terms and fact you are reading something about a condition you may have to face it can be difficult to interpret. At times we have “incidentalContinue Reading »