Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Get the Skinny on Diets and Exercise

Get the Skinny on Diets and Exercise

Diet and exercise go hand in hand for people who want to lose weight and maintain good health. High-protein diets, such as the Atkins and South Beach Diets, are popular because they generally result in quicker weight loss than do diets featuring more carbohydrates. But is the high fat content of a mostly protein dietContinue Reading »

Putting Your ACL Back Together Again

The ACL—anterior cruciate ligament—provides stability to the knee by keeping the tibia (shinbone) from sliding in front of the femur (thighbone). About 250,000 ACL reconstructions are performed annually in the United States on individuals who experience the condition. ACL tears are not usually sutured together because the repairs do not fare well over time. Instead,Continue Reading »

Alleviating Heel Pain with Physical Therapy

Heel pain can be a complex problem, but many times it results just from overuse of the foot.   Heel pain can also result from running, especially with poor form, shoes with insufficient support, a sudden injury to the heel, and physical conditions, such as Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, a pinched nerve at the back ofContinue Reading »

Working Out in the Great Outdoors

Working Out in the Great Outdoors

Say your gym is expensive, and there are long waits to use certain exercise equipment. Maybe it is time to return to the basics and exercise outdoors. There is considerable evidence that an outdoor workout can be more beneficial than indoor exercise in several ways, especially to improve your mood and relieve stress. One reasonContinue Reading »

Getting the Right Amount of Exercise

Getting the Right Amount of Exercise

How much exercise is enough? There is no one answer. Age, sex and current fitness level, along with risk factors such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and excessive weight, must be factored into the equation. All of these considerations may make it impractical to compare various fitness programs. But the following guidelines can help youContinue Reading »

Does Mono Mean No Exercise?

Does Mono Mean No Exercise?

Mononucleosis—often known simply as “mono”—has an incubation period of one to two months. Once symptoms appear, recovery can take an additional four to six weeks. Until your physician tells you it is safe to resume more strenuous workouts, avoid any but the mildest exercise (e.g., short walks). In many mono patients, the spleen—a large blood-filteringContinue Reading »

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