Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Stretching and Strength-training for Safer Soccer

Stretching and Strength-training for Safer Soccer

While any athletic activity has an inherent risk of injury, soccer has traditionally been considered less dangerous than, say, American football, hockey and lacrosse. Significant tragic events in soccer usually involve the goalposts; either the player hits the post or a faulty goalpost lands on a player.Fortunately, these events are extremely rare. Still, some dangersContinue Reading »

Preparing for Ski Season Before Hitting the Slopes

Preparing for Ski Season Before Hitting the Slopes

After looking forward to ski season all year, the last thing you want is to be sidelined with an injury or sore muscles due to improper fitness.  Because skiing is a physically intense activity, you need to be in peak physical condition when you hit the slopes. This can help you avoid injuries common inContinue Reading »

Relieve Knee Pain with Support

Chances are you have seen runners and people in rehabilitation from serious knee injuries wearing straps or sleeves on their knees. While it might seem hard to believe, those devices can actually help relieve knee pain. Knee pain and injuries happen when you damage cartilage, muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones in your knee. A blowContinue Reading »