Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Bone Up to Fight Osteoporosis

Bone Up to Fight Osteoporosis

Primary osteoporosis is the name given to osteoporosis cases not caused by an underlying drug reaction, disease or syndrome. In this condition, the bones—the word itself means “porous bones”—become brittle, making them highly susceptible to fracture. An event as innocuous as landing the wrong way when sitting down on a chair or twisting awkwardly duringContinue Reading »

Returning to Normal After a Hip Fracture

Returning to Normal After a Hip Fracture

Hip fracture, a serious injury that usually requires surgery, occurs more commonly in older adults, particularly where underlying conditions such as osteoporosis are present. While surgical procedures are usually effective, recovery often hinges on more than just the surgery.  Your overall health, previous level of mobility and whether you begin and stick to a physical therapy planContinue Reading »

Bone Density and Cycling

Bone Density and Cycling

For those interested in the effects of different types of exercise on bone density should look up an article titled A Systematic Review of Bone Health in Cyclists that came out in the journal of  Sports Health that looked at cycling  and bone mass.  Major Points for Review:Studies suggest Low Bone Density in Cyclists isContinue Reading »

Osteoporosis – “The Silent Thief”

Osteoporosis  – “The Silent Thief”

Osteoporosis and Osteopenia Osteoporosis is a disease that will affect 1 in 5 women over age 50, often with no symptoms until a fracture occurs, giving it the name “The Silent Thief”. Osteopenia is a lesser degree of bone loss than osteoporosis. The greatest loss of bone mass, which can be as much as 20%,Continue Reading »

Can lifting weights improve bone density at your hips?

A study in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (Kerr, D., Ackland, T., Maslen, B., Morton, A., & Prince, R. (1 January 2001) titled Resistance Training over 2 years increases bone mass in calcium-replete postmenopausal women reported the results for 126 postmenopausal women over 2 years whose calcium intake met the current standard: one groupContinue Reading »