Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Bone Up to Fight Osteoporosis

Bone Up to Fight Osteoporosis

Primary osteoporosis is the name given to osteoporosis cases not caused by an underlying drug reaction, disease or syndrome. In this condition, the bones—the word itself means “porous bones”—become brittle, making them highly susceptible to fracture. An event as innocuous as landing the wrong way when sitting down on a chair or twisting awkwardly duringContinue Reading »

What else could heel pain be besides plantar fasciitis?

What else could heel pain be besides plantar fasciitis?

Although conservative treatment can be quite effective for plantar fasciitis sometimes it can be mistaken for other conditions which include:Tarsal tunnel syndromeLateral plantar nerve entrapmentCalcaneal nerve entrapmentLumbar radiculopathyThe classic symptoms of plantar fasciitis include:Acute pain with first steps in amPain after walking or standing for extensive periodsClimbing stairsIf your condition doesn’t improve contact us to help youContinue Reading »

Arm Yourself After a Distal Radius Fracture

Arm Yourself After a Distal Radius Fracture

A distal radius fracture—a break near the wrist in the largest forearm bone—is one of the most common injuries of the forearm. The fracture often occurs when a person falls onto an outstretched hand. Other causes include direct impact or axial forces. Treatment depends on such factors as the exact nature of the fracture, yourContinue Reading »

Navigating Recovery After a “Ship” Fracture

Navigating Recovery After a “Ship” Fracture

A scaphoid fracture refers to a fracture of the wrist—specifically the bone shaped like a boat, which is why it is often called a “ship” fracture. A fracture of this bone can result from falling on an outstretched arm, sustaining a direct blow to the wrist or receiving a severe twist of the wrist. ForContinue Reading »

Recovery Solutions After Radial Head Resection

Recovery Solutions After Radial Head Resection

A common type of elbow injury in athletes, a radial head fracture tends to occur when a person falls on an outstretched hand. In this case, the radial head—located at the end of the bone—breaks in a way that makes realignment a challenge. Some patients may require a step after radial head removal, whereby anContinue Reading »

Training in Planes

Training in Planes

Many trendy buzzwords and catch phrases are often used in fitness circles, with the phrase “training in planes” heard quite frequently. The concept, which has nothing to do with aviation, sounds interesting, but what does it really mean? Simply put, every move we make involves one of the following three planes of motion in theContinue Reading »

Treating a SICK Scapula

Treating a SICK Scapula

When a scapula, or shoulder blade, is described as SICK, it doesn’t mean ill; it is actually an acronym invented by researchers/physicians who observed a syndrome involving the shoulder areas of professional baseball players. It stands for Scapula Internal rotation, Coracoid pain and Dyskinesia (SICK), the conditions that make up this syndrome. Because the scapulaContinue Reading »

An Effective Self-Stretch for Neck Stiffness and Pain

Do you have trouble checking your blind spot in either direction while you’re driving? If so, this simple self-stretch is for you! It’s best for those who are experiencing headaches and/or more general neck stiffness and pain. It is NOT intended for those with weakness, numbness or tingling down the arms. It also should NOTContinue Reading »

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