Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Pinpointing a Low Back Pain Problem

Pinpointing a Low Back Pain Problem

Five is an unlucky number for many people with spondylolysis (spon-dee-low-LYE-sis), because this condition—a weakness or stress fracture of a spinal bone—is most often found near the fifth lumbar vertebra in the lower back. It may, however, occur in other lumbar vertebrae, as well as in the chest area. Spondylolysis is often caused by overuse, especiallyContinue Reading »

Bone Up to Fight Osteoporosis

Bone Up to Fight Osteoporosis

Primary osteoporosis is the name given to osteoporosis cases not caused by an underlying drug reaction, disease or syndrome. In this condition, the bones—the word itself means “porous bones”—become brittle, making them highly susceptible to fracture. An event as innocuous as landing the wrong way when sitting down on a chair or twisting awkwardly duringContinue Reading »

Exercise Away Your Back Pain

Exercise Away Your Back Pain

How common is back pain? The majority of people in the United States will suffer from lower back pain at least once in their lifetimes. But treating the pain can be complex and is usually best done with advice from a physical therapist.Some people may require surgery to treat their back pain. However, surgery comesContinue Reading »

Keeping Shoulder Pain at Bay

Keeping Shoulder Pain at Bay

Shoulder impingement syndrome can involve bursitis (inflammation of the shoulder’s bursa), tendinitis (inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons), calcium deposits in the tendons or any combination of the three. People at risk include those who employ repeated overhead movements—tennis players, golfers, swimmers, construction workers and, quite commonly, those who perform do-it-yourself repairs around the home.Continue Reading »

Using Lumbar Support Roll

Using Lumbar Support Roll

My friend told me about his new car and how he had a great lumbar support that can be adjusted to fit his back.   Many vehicles offer this feature but they are often used incorrectly, whether incorporated into the seat or a portable. Tips for fitting your lumbar roll: Make sure it feels good and does not increase lowContinue Reading »

Osteoporosis – “The Silent Thief”

Osteoporosis  – “The Silent Thief”

Osteoporosis and Osteopenia Osteoporosis is a disease that will affect 1 in 5 women over age 50, often with no symptoms until a fracture occurs, giving it the name “The Silent Thief”. Osteopenia is a lesser degree of bone loss than osteoporosis. The greatest loss of bone mass, which can be as much as 20%,Continue Reading »

Treating Swimmer’s Shoulder

Treating Swimmer’s Shoulder

Swimmer’s shoulder is very common in young competitive swimmers. In this condition, several soft structures in the shoulder—the bicep tendon, the rotator cuff and the bursa—are impinged, or compressed, by the bony parts of the joint and become inflamed and painful. The condition can affect any swimmer, but those who specialize in freestyle or butterflyContinue Reading »

What Are Kettlebells? How Can They Help Me?

What Are Kettlebells? How Can They Help Me?

What Are Kettlebells? How Can They Help Me? Because Pavel Tsatsouline, a Soviet strength and conditioning trainer, popularized kettlebells in the United States, they are sometimes called “Russian kettlebells.” Popular among athletes, mixed martial artists and actors, kettlebells are showing up in more and more fitness and rehabilitation centers. While many fitness routines emphasize isolationContinue Reading »

Posture, Posture, Posture!

Dr. Fiebert’s words still ring in my ears, “Having your patients understand how posture influences their condition is one of the keys to successful treatment!” For years I have tried to find ways to remind patients to stand up straight.  Poor posture, leading to muscle imbalance, can result in neck, arm, leg or back pain. Continue Reading »

Can poor vision give you a headache?

Yes!  My wife had an experience with a series of headaches about 4 years ago.   We consulted with a neurologist who asked whether she had a recent eye exam.  She was convinced she had a brain tumor and did  not want to admit her eyes might be failing her.  Finally, she gave in, andContinue Reading »

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