Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Stretching and Strength-training for Safer Soccer

Stretching and Strength-training for Safer Soccer

While any athletic activity has an inherent risk of injury, soccer has traditionally been considered less dangerous than, say, American football, hockey and lacrosse. Significant tragic events in soccer usually involve the goalposts; either the player hits the post or a faulty goalpost lands on a player.Fortunately, these events are extremely rare. Still, some dangersContinue Reading »

Hamstring Injuries in Soccer Players

A recent Danish study that is about to be published supports the use of Nordic Lowers in decreasing the incidence of hamstring injuries. This type of strengthening emphasizes the eccentric phase of a muscular contraction which is the “lengthening of the muscle fiber”.  It is during that this lengthening phase that most injuries occur.  Continue Reading »