Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Must Arthritic Knees Be Replaced?

Must Arthritic Knees Be Replaced?

If your doctor says you have arthritis in your knee, does that mean you will need knee replacement surgery? Must Arthritic Knees Be Replaced? The short answer is not necessarily. Fortunately, your body can compensate for the loss of function caused by arthritic damage to cartilage and bone in a knee joint, even if x-rayContinue Reading »

Does knee bracing make your muscles weak?

In the case of osteoarthritis in appears it does not weaken the muscles surrounding the knee complex. Details of recent study: Used custom fitted valgus knee unloader brace No loss of strength in six months of use Average time doning wear 5hours/day Small subgroup had negative effect in first two weeks Most effective for mildContinue Reading »

Bracing for a New Arthritis Treatment

Bracing for a New Arthritis Treatment

Knee pain from osteoarthritis is no walk in the park. In fact, the pain probably keeps you from walks in the park. Could wearing a knee brace help you overcome this discomfort? Often, arthritis affects only one compartment of the knee. This can result in your lower leg angling awkwardly and appearing “bow legged” (varus)Continue Reading »