Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Does knee bracing make your muscles weak?

In the case of osteoarthritis in appears it does not weaken the muscles surrounding the knee complex. Details of recent study: Used custom fitted valgus knee unloader brace No loss of strength in six months of use Average time doning wear 5hours/day Small subgroup had negative effect in first two weeks Most effective for mildContinue Reading »

What is Piriformis Syndrome?

Facts on Piriformis Syndrome: *based on a a review  article in Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA)* The Piriformis muscle acts chiefly as a hip rotator that  rests over the sciatic nerve and in some cases the sciatic nerve passes through the piriformis muscle belly.  Any trauma, inflammation or increase size of this muscleContinue Reading »

Exercise Can Relieve That Aching Back

Back pain is a common complaint, with about 25% of people in the United States reporting low back pain within the previous three months. Back pain often occurs after surgery for a back injury. Other causes include a ruptured disc, osteoporosis, arthritis, lumbar muscle strain and sciatica. A sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, obesity, smoking and depressionContinue Reading »

Simple Tip to Reduce Low Back Pain

This morning I woke up with severe right lower back pain.  As a paramus physical therapist I always tell my patients to limit the amount of time you sit to less than 30 minutes at a time with any patient who suffers from neck or low back pain.  More often than not patients tell meContinue Reading »

Does stretching your hamstrings prevent hamstrings tears?

As of right now it has Not Been Shown that hamstring flexibility decreases the chance of a hamstring tear.   The chief risk factors include: Previous hamstring tear Age Decreased hip flexor and quadricep flexibility Hamstring weakness Muscle Imbalances at hip/trunk Type of sports pursued One of the things that seems to reduce the incidence ofContinue Reading »

Relieve Knee Pain with Support

Chances are you have seen runners and people in rehabilitation from serious knee injuries wearing straps or sleeves on their knees. While it might seem hard to believe, those devices can actually help relieve knee pain. Knee pain and injuries happen when you damage cartilage, muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones in your knee. A blowContinue Reading »

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