Are you a neck cracker and wondering whether it’s bad for you?Does your neck hurt when you crack it?Not sure what neck cracking is?When we hear the term “cracking your neck,” it refers to the popping sound that you hear when people have a stiff neck, so they try to relieve the pressure by makingContinue Reading »
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Category: Neck & Shoulder Pain
Do I Need Physical Therapy?
Chronic pain (pain which lasts for a long time) and injuries are the main reasons for seeking out a physical therapist. Physical therapy could be the best decision you make for effective and long lasting pain relief. Ask a doctor for a referral now. Physical therapy doesn’t solve your pains and aches overnight and it certainlyContinue Reading »
Why Does My Neck Hurt?
How long is a piece of string? We joke. But in all seriousness (because neck pain really isn’t funny). There are various reasons why your neck might be sore – some lasting from a few days to others lasting weeks, months, or even longer. But some of the most common medical causes of neck painContinue Reading »
What is Frozen Shoulder?
What is Frozen Shoulder?Frozen shoulder, also known as, Adhesive Capsulitis is an inflammatory and debilitating condition that causes severe stiffness and pain within the shoulder joint. During the course of this condition, the capsule that covers the shoulder and the shoulder ligament become inflamed and eventually causes fibrosis of the capsule, which leads to theContinue Reading »
What is Cervical Radiculopathy?
Are you having neck pain that is also running down your shoulder or arm? If so, you could potentially be suffering from a common condition we see here in the clinic called cervical radiculopathy. Cervical radiculopathy is a condition that results from compression of the nerves in your neck. The causes of this compression includeContinue Reading »
Rehabilitation of Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Instability
Anatomy of the ShoulderThe shoulder complex comprises the humerus, clavicle, and scapular, which form four different joints, including the glenohumeral joint, sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, and the “floating” scapulothoracic joint. The glenohumeral joint is the mobile joint in the human body as it is a “ball and socket” joint. It has three degrees of freedom,Continue Reading »
Keeping the Fat Out of Your Rotator Cuff
For most of us, the idea of “fighting fat” is nothing new. But fat is not just an enemy of your waistline. It’s an enemy of your muscles, too—especially when you are recovering from rotator cuff surgery. When the rotator cuff tendon is torn, a gap between the tendon and bones is formed. Your bodyContinue Reading »
Avoid Rotator Cuff Surgery with Physical Therapy
Your shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint made up of three dominant bones—the humerus, clavicle and scapula. The rotator cuff consists of a group of four tendons and associated muscles that collectively work to keep the arm bone within the socket of your shoulder bladewhile allowing your arm to raise and rotate. Although damage to the rotatorContinue Reading »
Relieving Shoulder Impingement Through Physical Therapy
Your physician has diagnosed you with shoulder impingement, but what does that mean? The classic symptom of the condition is pain when you raise your arm to shoulder height. The motion causes a narrowing of the space between the acromion (the bone at the top of the shoulder), the tendons of the rotator cuff thatContinue Reading »
Rotator Cuff Surgery for the Second Time
If you have already gone through rotator cuff surgery, the last thing you want to think about is doing it all over again. Unfortunately, many patients do suffer tears of the same tendons that caused them to need surgery in the first place. Most of the time, this is not the surgeon’s fault, nor doesContinue Reading »