Chronic pain (pain which lasts for a long time) and injuries are the main reasons for seeking out a physical therapist. Physical therapy could be the best decision you make for effective and long lasting pain relief. Ask a doctor for a referral now.
Physical therapy doesn't solve your pains and aches overnight and it certainly isn't a quick fix, but it is an effective method for targeting the source of your pain directly.
You might be asking yourself "is physical therapy worth it?"
We know it's not everyone's first choice and that some people are even sceptical having been to previous physical therapists in the past.
You may have been wasting hours in pain searching things like, "physical therapy near me."
If you're in pain you need an expert and someone who treats you how you deserve to be treated.
Here in Paramus at Apex Orthopedic we're certain that we can help you to find pain relief for your pain.
If you're still not sure that it's for you, why not try out our FREE discovery visit and see how we can help today.
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Pain Management
Physical therapy is a surefire way to tackle niggling pains and aches, this includes back pain, neck pain, general aches and shoulder pain.
Here at Apex we help you to create a specialise treatment plan to tackle your pain at the source.
Although they can be effective and help to reduce inflammation, we don't believe in masking the pain with pain medications and various other types of pain relievers.
Depending on the source of your pain we offer a wide range of specialized treatments and methods for reducing the impact of this.
One of the most common chronic complaints we hear about from our patients is prolonged shoulder pain. People tend to try and ignore this pain and in the long term this worsens the condition.
Don't hesitate in reaching out to get help, your health should be a priority.
What Causes Shoulder Pain?
Shoulder pain can be caused by a large range of reasons and not all of them need attention from a doctor of physical therapy.
So what actually are the reasons you should go to a physical therapist if you're in pain because of your shoulder?
Prolonged chest and shoulder pain may be the result of a heart attack, so if you're not sure call a doctor first.
Wear and tear isn't always the cause of shoulder pain and it certainly isn't a helpful explanation when it comes to treatment.
Here at Apex we know that wear and tear isn't a good enough explanation for shoulder pain, and it shouldn't be a reason to live your life in pain.
Our specialist treatment programs and staff will help you to reclaim your everyday life.
The first step starts with you, why not pick up the phone and organize a free consultation today?
Help! I Think I've Dislocated My Shoulder.
If you think you have dislocated your shoulder the first thing to do is to not panic.
Shoulder dislocation occurs when your arm pops out of your shoulder joint. The ball and socket joint in the shoulder becomes dislodged causing pain in the shoulder and potentially the arm.
Choosing the right treatment plan might feel like a challenge, especially when you're trying to find pain relief as quickly as possible.
Multidirectional shoulder instability (a form of shoulder dislocation) tends to occur in younger adults and very rarely requires surgery alongside effective physical therapy to tackle any muscular pain.
Until the shoulder completely stabilizes, it's important to not continue with any vigorous or strenuous physical activity.
Athletes can be particularly predisposed to this kind of shoulder dislocation due to their active lifestyles. Shoulder dislocation means the inability to reach your arm above your head which can be challenging especially for swimmers and gymnasts.
The likes of weight trainers and tennis players can be more predisposed to multidirectional shoulder instability because they lack the normal restraint system in their ligaments and capsule.
The instability isn't triggered by a specific injury or any damage, therefore it's crucial that anyone who encounters this kind of shoulder dislocation follows a specialized physical therapy program.
Surgery may help to treat the initial pain of the issue but it will be physical therapy that is vital to your long term recovery.
What Treatment Should I Expect For My Shoulder Dislocation?
We hear you asking: How can I get rid of my shoulder pain?
The time and quality of your treatment will be completely dependent upon the following factors:
Most of the time we recommend a progression of exercises to assist in rebuilding strength and regaining full motion. Often your arm motion will be limited for at least several weeks.
After approximately six weeks, we then offer a more intensive style of therapy, including weight strengthening and other motion increasing exercises.
We will also advise which exercise to AVOID while recovering from this issue.
The earlier on that you start your treatment, the quicker you can get back to pain-free daily activities.
How Do I Get Started With My Recovery?
Full recovery might seem like a lifetime away, but we know that we can help you to get effective long-term relief.
Your health is our priority and we want to make sure that you can enjoy life to its fullest.
Shoulder dislocation is serious and we have personalized treatment plans designed to help you start you on your road to recovery.
This is an expanded and updated version of an article from Intecore dating October 21, 2019. You can find the original article here.