Are you one of the many people suffering from chronic neck pain?Do you want to get to the root cause of this pain instead of just managing the symptoms?Well, the cervical spine (the upper portion of your backbone) could well be the culprit and the root cause of your pain.Neck injuries and pain are uncomfortableContinue Reading »
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Category: Spine
Ease That Nagging Back Pain
Your back is killing you, and the last thing you want to do is exert yourself. Unfortunately, for most cases of back pain, lying around in bed can only make the problem worse. Numerous studies have shown that exercise improves back pain, and the more regularly you engage in physical activity, the better. Exercise alsoContinue Reading »
Pinpointing a Low Back Pain Problem
Five is an unlucky number for many people with spondylolysis (spon-dee-low-LYE-sis), because this condition—a weakness or stress fracture of a spinal bone—is most often found near the fifth lumbar vertebra in the lower back. It may, however, occur in other lumbar vertebrae, as well as in the chest area. Spondylolysis is often caused by overuse, especiallyContinue Reading »
How much pressure does using a lumbar roll take off your back?
The spine researcher Nachemson noted a %300 decrease in lumbar disc pressure when use of a roll to support the normal lumbar curve in the back while sitting. A key element is having the back of the chair to reclined to 100 to 130 degrees. This allows the lumbar roll to be engaged and theContinue Reading »
How do you test for a Sacroiliac joint (SI) Problem?
At Apex we use a Mckenzie Lumbar Evaluation to rule out a lumbar problem and hip testing prior to testing the Sacroiliac Joint. If the lumbar and hip joints don’t appear to be a source of pain we then perform a series of five Sacroiliac Joint clinical tests to rule out whether we have a sacroiliac problem.The followingContinue Reading »
Exercise Away Your Back Pain
How common is back pain? The majority of people in the United States will suffer from lower back pain at least once in their lifetimes. But treating the pain can be complex and is usually best done with advice from a physical therapist.Some people may require surgery to treat their back pain. However, surgery comesContinue Reading »
Straightening the Curves of Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine is curved toward either the right or left side. Thus, the upper back seems to be rounded, the lower back appears to curve inward (swayback), and one shoulder and/or hip looks higher than the other. While most cases among both genders are mild and require no treatment,Continue Reading »
Using Lumbar Support Roll
My friend told me about his new car and how he had a great lumbar support that can be adjusted to fit his back. Many vehicles offer this feature but they are often used incorrectly, whether incorporated into the seat or a portable. Tips for fitting your lumbar roll: Make sure it feels good and does not increase lowContinue Reading »
Massage Therapy for Back Pain
If you experience lower back pain, you are not alone. In the United States, lower back pain is the leading cause of absenteeism and general disability. Because this condition is often an ongoing problem and is difficult to pinpoint and treat, you may have wondered whether massage therapy would bring relief. Massage therapy is notContinue Reading »
Stenosis and Leg Pain
Stenosis and Leg Pain It may seem counter-intuitive, but the pain you feel in your legs may actually be caused by a problem in your spine called stenosis. As we age, areas of the spinal column can become pinched or narrowed, resulting in the constriction and irritation of nerves surrounding the spine. This may resultContinue Reading »