My friend told me about his new car and how he had a great lumbar support that can be adjusted to fit his back. Many vehicles offer this feature but they are often used incorrectly, whether incorporated into the seat or a portable.
Tips for fitting your lumbar roll:
- Make sure it feels good and does not increase low back pain or create pain into your legs.
- One size does not fit all- too thick, too low or too high in relation to your back can increase back pain. It should be like fitting a shoe.
- Too firm or too soft can also limit the effectiveness
- Make sure your back makes contacting with the roll. Otherwise it will be ineffective. For a low cost solution experiment with duct tape and a bathroom towel and try varying sizes to see what fits best.
- Certain back issues require more or less of a curve. Patients with a diagnosis of “stenosis“ requiring a less of a curve and typically people with a “herniated disc“ will prefer more of a curve.
- Reclining the back of the seat to about 120 degrees can help ensure good contact with the roll.
Whether you have a back problem or are trying to avoid one using a roll correctly can help you have improved comfort in the lower back and help with sitting posture. Try a roll for 30 minute the first time adding 30 minutes each day to ensure it is the right size and placement for your back.
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