Well, we can tell you that the good news is that, yes, sometimes. You can get immediate relief from your sciatica pain. However, finding the right treatment that works for you can be difficult.But depending on the severity of your sciatica pain and other factors, several options are available to give you some quick relief. SciaticaContinue Reading »
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Category: Sciatica
Understanding Sciatica from Causes to Treatment
Where does the term sciatica come from?Since I entered the field of physical therapy, I have been asked about sciatica from numerous friends, family members and patients. Sciatica is also referred to as “lumbar radiculopathy” – lumbar meaning the lower back region, radicular meaning affected or related to the root of a spinal nerve and,Continue Reading »
What is piriformis syndrome? (Besides a real “pain in the butt”)
Piriformis syndrome (PS) is a rare neuromuscular condition that is related to inflammation of the sciatic nerve as it passes through or around the piriformis muscle, which is located deep in the buttock. There is frequently a delay in treatment of this condition, due to the fact that it can mimic facet arthritis, sacroilitis, hipContinue Reading »
Three top exercises for lower back pain and sciatica
Exercise has become an essential part of life. Not only does it help to improve your overall health and your appearance, but it also helps to keep your body fit and in good physical condition, particularly when it comes to lower back pain. A person who is physically fit has much less chance of injuringContinue Reading »
Top tips to reduce low back and neck pain while driving
We discuss multiple tips to improve your comfort, reduce pain and stiffness while driving. These tips should be helpful for anyone that suffers from low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, herniated discs, stenosis, degenerative disc, arthritis, and sciatica. By applying these tips you will learn to move and feel better without the use of unnecessary painContinue Reading »
Low Back Pain and Sciatica Workshop
We have lots of great information in this workshop to help patients with low back pain and sciatica make the most informed decisions regarding their condition. Feel free to contact our office for a End Back Pain and Sciatica report at (201) 251-2422 or email us at tomw@apexorthopedicnj.com.
Avoiding "SUMMER BACK"
While summer certainly has its perks, I often see patients during the warmer months with injuries related to what I like to call “Summer Back.” Common causes include: longer than usual drives, sleeping in a hotel or rental bed that isn’t yours, lifting heavy things like suitcases and beach equipment, or bending and twisting toContinue Reading »
FREE Back Pain and Sciatica Workshop on February 25th!
Do you suffer with back pain or leg pain when you stand or walk? Do you have pain when you sit for long periods or drives? Do you experience pain, numbness or tingling into your butt, groin or down your leg? Does your back ever “go out” if you move the wrong way? Are youContinue Reading »
Join Us for a FREE Back Pain and Sciatica Workshop!
Do you suffer with back pain or leg pain when you stand or walk? Do you have pain when you sit for long periods or drives? Do you experience pain, numbness or tingling into your butt, groin or down your leg? Does your back ever “go out” if you move the wrong way? Are youContinue Reading »