Many years ago while I was attending University of Miami for physical therapy school, one of my fellow teammates, Luke Menke, talked about joining the local Miami rugby club. Our home field or “pitch” was in a park off of Key Biscayne, just a stone’s throw from South Beach in Miami. We were playing a teamContinue Reading »
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Category: Sports Injuries
Do I Have Runner’s Knee (AKA Patello Femoral Pain Syndrome)?
Do you have pain while running or jumping or going down stairs? Any time you sit or bend your knee, do you have pain? Is it around the kneecap or patella? You may have Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS). Other names used to describe this condition are retropatellar pain syndrome, anterior knee pain and lateral facetContinue Reading »
How to Conquer Achilles Tendinosis in Runners in 3 Easy Steps
In order to rehabilitate an Achilles tendinopathy or tendinosis for runners and non-runners, we need to be focused on the patient’s goals as a means to set expectations and ensure the best outcome. In this video, we discuss how to properly progress a patient to minimize setbacks in the rehabilitation process. Many of our recommendationsContinue Reading »