Do you have swelling around your knee joint? Do you feel pain in your knee, especially when climbing stairs or kneeling? Are you wondering whether it’s a muscle sprain, strain, or maybe even arthritis? Unfortunately, many of us think, “Oh, it’s just a muscle strain or sprain. It’ll get better in a few days” whenContinue Reading »
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Category: Knee Pain
Should I Stop Exercising With Knee Pain?
Are your knees always achy and stiff?Do they sometimes feel like they “pop” or might “give way”?Are you worried that you might have to give up exercising?There are various reasons why knee pain can occur, but the most common ones are injuries, overuse, or arthritis. While knee pain can develop at any age, adults “overContinue Reading »
Does Running Lead to Arthritis or Make it Worse?
More Articles From Apex What Is Frozen Shoulder? Take A Walk In A Walking Shoe Getting To The Route Of The Problem Of Tennis Elbow After years of running for various sports – from a brief stint with the cross country team at River Dell High School, to my later years participating in triathlons –Continue Reading »
Jump on Treating Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Osgood-Schlatter disease (syndrome), a common cause of knee pain in as many as one in five children and young athletes, especially boys, 10 to 15 years of age, usually occurs after a period of quick growthcoupled with intense physical or sporting activity. Children who participate in running and jumping activities experience a greater strain onContinue Reading »
How Do I Get Rid of Runner’s Knee (AKA Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome)?
What is the Cause of Runner’s Knee or PFPSThe patella femoral joint is the region where the pain is thought to originate and the pain generator for this common condition among runners and the athletic population. The patella femoral joint is comprised of the distal end of the femur, specifically the medial and lateral condylesContinue Reading »
Getting Back in the Game After ACL Surgery
In 2012, National Football League running back Adrian Peterson returned from an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear in his knee to have the best season of his career. His amazing recovery shows how far ACL treatment has progressed over the last decade and gives many athletes hope that they too can make full recoveries afterContinue Reading »
Do I Have Runner’s Knee (AKA Patello Femoral Pain Syndrome)?
Do you have pain while running or jumping or going down stairs? Any time you sit or bend your knee, do you have pain? Is it around the kneecap or patella? You may have Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS). Other names used to describe this condition are retropatellar pain syndrome, anterior knee pain and lateral facetContinue Reading »
Pulled Hamstrings: Stretch Your Way Back
Running along the back of the thigh from the pelvis to the shin, the hamstring muscles are responsible for bending the knee, along with moving the hip and other lower extremities. Thus, when a hamstring is strained, or pulled, the rest of the body can be affected. With a hamstring strain, pain and mobility indicate theContinue Reading »
Back to Action After Knee Surgery
Tibial osteotomy is a surgical procedure that realigns the angle of the lower leg and changes the distribution of pressure within the knee. Physicians most often recommend the surgery for people 40 to 60 years of age who have osteoarthritis on only one side of the knee. In the knee, the femur (thighbone) of the upperContinue Reading »
Getting Your Kneecap Back in the Groove
Patellar subluxation occurs when the kneecap moves slightly out of its groove at the end of the thigh bone and then comes back into place. A serious condition, subluxation is often painful and may lead to actual dislocation of the kneecap. Another problem is that subluxation puts additional strain on certain structures, requiring a personContinue Reading »