Tom Willemann Health Tips

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Tom Willemann..."

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How to treat a rotator cuff tear without surgery

Today, most of the patients who suffer from a rotator cuff tear often wonder if this issue could be resolved without surgery. First, let’s discuss what a rotator cuff tear actually is. A human body’s upper arm is connected to the shoulder blade with a group of muscles and tendons which are found in theContinue Reading »

Top exercises for neck pain

Neck pain, in medical terms is known as cervical pain, can be experienced by a person anywhere between the bottom of your head (from where your neck starts) to your shoulder top. If this pain is ignored in its initial phase, chances are that you might soon experience pain in your upper back and arms.Continue Reading »

Do you have a rotator cuff tear?

Do you have a rotator cuff tear? Listen to this video to learn more about the signs and symptoms of a rotator cuff tear. Playing the waiting game and hoping it gets better is not always a wise choice. Waiting too long can result in a shoulder that can't be surgically repaired. Feel free toContinue Reading »

Top tips to reduce low back and neck pain while driving

We discuss multiple tips to improve your comfort, reduce pain and stiffness while driving.  These tips should be helpful for anyone that suffers from low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, herniated discs, stenosis, degenerative disc, arthritis, and sciatica.  By applying these tips you will learn to move and feel better without the use of unnecessary painContinue Reading »

Do I Need Surgery For My Rotator Cuff Tear?

Do I Need Surgery For My Rotator Cuff Tear?

Whether or not a patient requires surgery after being diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear is a common discussion at the clinic. Just like with most injuries, not all rotator cuff tears are created equal. Before the decision to go in for surgery is made, there are a few factors to be considered: size ofContinue Reading »



Make MOVING BETTER your New Year’s Resolution!!!!!  Join us for a FREE Neck and Shoulder Pain Workshop! Led by board-certified Physical Therapist / Neck and Shoulder Specialist / Owner & Operator of Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Tom Willemann Do you wake up with a “kink” in your neck once in a while? Do you have troubleContinue Reading »

Is a Lumbar Epidural the Right Solution for My Pain?

In the clinic, I’m frequently asked whether or not an epidural is a good solution for my patients’ lower back issues, sciatica, leg pain, numbness and/or weakness. “Tom, will an epidural stop my pain and discomfort?”   The answer to that question, in all honesty, is that no one really knows for sure. (**If yourContinue Reading »

Managing Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Managing Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome is a condition in which the nerves or blood vessels that travel to the arm and hand are compressed between soft tissues near the side of the neck. Most people are able to manage their thoracic outlet syndrome symptoms through physical therapy.  Specialized exercises can improve muscle balance and posture to lessenContinue Reading »

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