Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Pulled Hamstrings: Stretch Your Way Back

Pulled Hamstrings: Stretch Your Way Back

Running along the back of the thigh from the pelvis to the shin, the hamstring muscles are responsible for bending the knee, along with moving the hip and other lower extremities. Thus, when a hamstring is strained, or pulled, the rest of the body can be affected. With a hamstring strain, pain and mobility indicate theContinue Reading »

Does stretching your hamstrings prevent hamstrings tears?

As of right now it has Not Been Shown that hamstring flexibility decreases the chance of a hamstring tear.   The chief risk factors include: Previous hamstring tear Age Decreased hip flexor and quadricep flexibility Hamstring weakness Muscle Imbalances at hip/trunk Type of sports pursued One of the things that seems to reduce the incidence ofContinue Reading »

Hamstring Injuries in Soccer Players

A recent Danish study that is about to be published supports the use of Nordic Lowers in decreasing the incidence of hamstring injuries. This type of strengthening emphasizes the eccentric phase of a muscular contraction which is the “lengthening of the muscle fiber”.  It is during that this lengthening phase that most injuries occur.  Continue Reading »