Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Does Running Form Affect Rate of Injuries?

Does Running Form Affect Rate of Injuries?

A recent article highlighted in the New York Times discussed a study published in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise .  It looked at the incidence of injuries  among runners who favor heel striking compared to forefoot striking.  Apparently they indicated a two fold increase in heel strikers rates of injury when examining aContinue Reading »

The Hip Solution to Knee Pain

The knee is one of the easiest parts of the body to injure because it is used for many motions the body performs. Common acute injuries are caused by sudden stops and turns during activities such as soccer and tennis. Pain may also occur after exercise, but you may also feel it if you sitContinue Reading »

Do I need manual physical therapy for my ankle sprain?

Do I need manual physical therapy for my ankle sprain?

At Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Wyckoff, NJ I have evaluated many patients who are concerned about the recurrent ankle sprains they have suffered. Most are inversion sprains in which the ankle rolls outward and the foot turns inward, resulting in the stretching and tearing of ligaments on the outside of the ankle. Often the patient’s previous “rehabilitation” consisted of a few exercises to be done at home with little or no hands on care (i.e. massage, joint mobilizatons, stretching) from a physical therapist.