Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Getting Your Kneecap Back in the Groove

Getting Your Kneecap Back in the Groove

Patellar subluxation occurs when the kneecap moves slightly out of its groove at the end of the thigh bone and then comes back into place. A serious condition, subluxation is often painful and may lead to actual dislocation of the kneecap. Another problem is that subluxation puts additional strain on certain structures, requiring a personContinue Reading »

The Case of the Wandering Kneecap

The Case of the Wandering Kneecap

Kneecap dislocation occurs when the patella, or kneecap, slides to the outside of the joint, thus stretching and possibly tearing the ligaments that hold it in place. Kneecap dislocations fall into two categories Those involving an accident, such as a blow to or a twisting of the knee, are called traumatic dislocations. Atraumatic dislocations occurContinue Reading »