Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Getting Your Ankle Off on the Right Foot Again

Getting Your Ankle Off on the Right Foot Again

Almost everyone has heard of total hip replacement and total knee replacement. But fewer people are familiar with total ankle replacement (also called total ankle arthroplasty).Although it looks like a simple hinge joint, the ankle actually involves much more complex movement, absorbing forces up to five times body weight. Many conditions, such as severe osteoporosis,Continue Reading »

Total Hip Replacement: Getting Up and Going

Total Hip Replacement: Getting Up and Going

If you are about to have your hip replaced, you will need to begin a rehabilitation program very soon after the procedure is completed. The type of rehabilitation will vary with the surgical technique used to attach the metal prosthesis to the femur. This artificial ball and stem can be affixed either with bony cementContinue Reading »

Physical Therapy: An Alternative to Back Surgery

Physical Therapy: An Alternative to Back Surgery

It may seem counterintuitive for a surgeon to recommend physical therapy instead of back surgery, but lumbar fusion is not appropriate for everyone. Many people suffering from back pain can benefit from physical therapy. Physical therapy can strengthen the back and move the protruding disk away from the affected nerve. Pain management procedures may relieveContinue Reading »

Strengthening the Rotator Cuff After Fatty Infiltration

Strengthening the Rotator Cuff After Fatty Infiltration

When rotator cuff surgery is needed, the surgeon has to take into consideration whether or not fatty infiltration has occurred. Ideally, the surgeon can perform the surgery at an early enough stage—before fatty infiltration becomes an issue. What is fatty infiltration? Sometimes, when the rotator cuff tendons have significantly pulled away from the bone whereContinue Reading »

Knee Replacement Surgery: Before and After

Knee Replacement Surgery: Before and After

Many patients believe that a physical therapy regimen follows joint replacement surgery, but exercise before surgery can reap many benefits afterward. Think about it: The pain in your knee has probably rendered you less active. Less activity causes the muscles—in this case, those in the thighs and hips that directly and indirectly support your badContinue Reading »