Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Stop Doing Rotator Cuff Exercises!

Stop Doing Rotator Cuff Exercises!

Stop Doing Rotator Cuff Exercises! Many athletes and non- athletes suffer from rotator cuff tendinitis or rotator cuff tears. Many times, a solution doesn’t lie in strengthening the existing rotator cuff, but rather the scapular stabilizers. Scapular stabilizers provide support for the rotator cuff to function. They are the foundation of the rotator cuff andContinue Reading »

Restitching a Torn Rotator Cuff

Restitching a Torn Rotator Cuff

Your rotator cuff is a collection of muscles and tendons located where your upper arm meets your shoulder socket. Its primary purpose is to provide structural support to your body so that you can perform a wide range of arm movements, especially ones that involve overhead motion. These include manual labor activities—painting and carpentry, forContinue Reading »