Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Medial Sprain: A Pain in the Ankle

Medial Sprain: A Pain in the Ankle

Ankle sprains are one of the most common orthopedic injuries. In fact, more than 20,000 ankle sprains occur each day in the United States. Medial ankle sprains occur when the ligament located on the inner, or medial, side of the ankle is severely stretched or torn. Such injuries account for a small portion of sprains,Continue Reading »

Jump on Treating Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Jump on Treating Osgood-Schlatter Disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease (syndrome), a common cause of knee pain in as many as one in five children and young athletes, especially boys, 10 to 15 years of age, usually occurs after a period of quick growthcoupled with intense physical or sporting activity.  Children who participate in running and jumping activities experience a greater strain onContinue Reading »

Vary Your Exercise Routine for Health and Fitness

Vary Your Exercise Routine for Health and Fitness

But precisely because it is a habit, you may easily fall into the trap of doing only one form of exercise that works on a limited set of muscles. However, recent research suggests that health as well as fitness benefits can be gained from a variety of exercises. One study found that people who performedContinue Reading »

How to pick a good physical therapist

How to pick a good physical therapist

How to pick a good physical therapist If you are recovering from surgery or an injury you may be spending a lot of time with your physical therapist. Continuity is key. When I graduated from physical therapy school I worked in a clinic that required that the same physical therapist treat the same patient eachContinue Reading »

Lower Back Pain Prevention Tips on the Links

Golf is one of America’s all-time favorite sports, but it also can cause injury to the lower back and spine. Before you head out to the golf course, it’s important to note these key areas of prevention: 1. WARM-UP BEFORE PLAYING – Before you start golfing, start off with a thorough warm-up. Try some stretchesContinue Reading »

Is a Lumbar Epidural the Right Solution for My Pain?

In the clinic, I’m frequently asked whether or not an epidural is a good solution for my patients’ lower back issues, sciatica, leg pain, numbness and/or weakness. “Tom, will an epidural stop my pain and discomfort?”   The answer to that question, in all honesty, is that no one really knows for sure. (**If yourContinue Reading »

Test your balance: Are you at risk for falls?

The statistics on falls for patients over 50 show that for falls that result in hip fractures, 25% result in death after a year! Prevent falls with good balance! Use the simple and quick Unilateral Stance Test, also known as “balancing on one leg.” Do it alone or try it with friends of the sameContinue Reading »

Where is my shoulder pain coming from?

It could be coming from your neck or your shoulder?  Unfortunately, I have treated patients that have had shoulder surgery for a fracture, rotator cuff repair, stabilization procedure for shoulder instability or a total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) that didn’t make enough progress.    Only later found to find out a portion of their shoulder pain was coming from theirContinue Reading »

Preventing Or Reducing Your Low Back Pain

In my paramus physical therapy practice we discuss key components for those recovering or trying to prevent another episode of low back pain.  Here are a few key points: Don’t SIT for greater than 20 minutes at a time Walking program  3x/week for 20-30minutes Make sure your computer work station is ergonomically safe Use aContinue Reading »

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