Tom Willemann Health Tips

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Tom Willemann..."

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Do you have a frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis?

We discussed in our video how to identify if you have a frozen shoulder. In some cases a frozen shoulder could be confused with a rotator cuff tear, labral tear, shoulder impingement or cervical injury. A frozen shoulder also known as adhesive capsulitis is somewhat of an enigma in orthopedic physical therapy. We do knowContinue Reading »

Do I Need Surgery For My Rotator Cuff Tear?

Do I Need Surgery For My Rotator Cuff Tear?

Whether or not a patient requires surgery after being diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear is a common discussion at the clinic. Just like with most injuries, not all rotator cuff tears are created equal. Before the decision to go in for surgery is made, there are a few factors to be considered: size ofContinue Reading »



Make MOVING BETTER your New Year’s Resolution!!!!!  Join us for a FREE Neck and Shoulder Pain Workshop! Led by board-certified Physical Therapist / Neck and Shoulder Specialist / Owner & Operator of Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Tom Willemann Do you wake up with a “kink” in your neck once in a while? Do you have troubleContinue Reading »

Painful shoulder exercises–are they safe?

The exercises your physical therapist prescribed are causing pain. Could that be recommended practice? Recent studies suggest it may be. Eccentric strengthening in the moderately painful range may blunt pain fibers’ signals to the brain leaving you with decreasing pain as the muscles strengthen. Such strengthening may also assist in stimulating improved tissue repair. EvaluationContinue Reading »

Where is my shoulder pain coming from?

It could be coming from your neck or your shoulder?  Unfortunately, I have treated patients that have had shoulder surgery for a fracture, rotator cuff repair, stabilization procedure for shoulder instability or a total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) that didn’t make enough progress.    Only later found to find out a portion of their shoulder pain was coming from theirContinue Reading »

Strengthening the Rotator Cuff After Fatty Infiltration

Strengthening the Rotator Cuff After Fatty Infiltration

When rotator cuff surgery is needed, the surgeon has to take into consideration whether or not fatty infiltration has occurred. Ideally, the surgeon can perform the surgery at an early enough stage—before fatty infiltration becomes an issue. What is fatty infiltration? Sometimes, when the rotator cuff tendons have significantly pulled away from the bone whereContinue Reading »