Tom Willemann Health Tips

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physical Therapist Tom Willemann..."

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Early Exercise = Speedy Healing After Disc Surgery

Early Exercise = Speedy Healing After Disc Surgery

 If you have had a microdiscectomy— disc surgery to alleviate sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain caused by a herniated disc—a postoperative regimen that includes early exercise can help speed your return to a normal, active life.   In the past, patients were advised to limit their movements for up to six weeks after microdiscectomy surgeryContinue Reading »

Preventing Or Reducing Your Low Back Pain

In my paramus physical therapy practice we discuss key components for those recovering or trying to prevent another episode of low back pain.  Here are a few key points: Don’t SIT for greater than 20 minutes at a time Walking program  3x/week for 20-30minutes Make sure your computer work station is ergonomically safe Use aContinue Reading »