Do you have trouble checking your blind spot in either direction while you’re driving? If so, this simple self-stretch is for you! It’s best for those who are experiencing headaches and/or more general neck stiffness and pain. It is NOT intended for those with weakness, numbness or tingling down the arms. It also should NOT make you dizzy or lightheaded, or impact your vision. If doing this stretch does affect you in these ways, STOP IMMEDIATELY.
After about 1-2 weeks of doing this stretch, you should really start to notice a BIG difference in your condition. Being able to check your surroundings while driving is incredibly important, especially in our area (Wyckoff, New Jersey) with all of the major highways, busy roads and congestion.
As a Physical Therapist, I’m always aiming to provide you with NATURAL solutions for your pain and discomfort. If you feel this information is helpful to you, please share this video with your friends and family.
Be well!