September is here and school is back in session. The kids are out of the house and back in school. As a dad of three kids in school, we’ve experienced our fair share of days where their backpacks were jammed full of all kinds of stuff.
As a parent, it is important to protect your children from any pain or discomfort. That being said, if your kids are caring too many things in their backpack, it can result in back pain, poor posture or even tingling or numbness in their arms aren’t even in their legs. If these types of symptoms are not addressed email, there could be more serious implications at stake for your children’s health and well-being.
Here are some of our suggested tips and guidelines as you are getting your kids ready for school. If you haven’t shopped for new backpacks, this information might just get you out the door investing in new ones for your kids this weekend.
1) be sure that shoulder straps are as wide as possible and are padded. If it includes a chest belt or even a waist belt, that will be helpful in taking Wade off of their shoulders and transfer that extra to their chest and back
2) be sure your children wear both straps over their shoulders and not just on one side. Doing so will evenly distribute wait to both sides where they will not be carrying too much weight on one side.
3) The content of their backpack should not be more than 10 to 15% of his or her bodyweight. No child should carry more than 25 pounds of content in their backpacks.
If you are finding that your child’s backpack comes home and it’s too heavy for them, don’t be afraid to schedule a session with your teacher to discuss lightening the load.
We wish you and your family a prosperous and healthy school year
Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation is a physical therapy clinic in Wyckoff and has provided sports rehabilitation services to the local residents for over 12 years.