Hip fracture, a serious injury that usually requires surgery, occurs more commonly in older adults, particularly where underlying conditions such as osteoporosis are present.
While surgical procedures are usually effective, recovery often hinges on more than just the surgery.
Your overall health, previous level of mobility and whether you begin and stick to a physical therapy plan soon after surgery play an important role in your recovery.
As your hip heals, we will help you identify the point at which you can place more weight on the affected leg. You will also receive assistance with walking, moving, sitting and performing many normal activities.
As your recovery progresses, new exercises will be added to improve your strength and endurance. The goal is to have you functioning once again as independently as possible.
Your rehabilitation program will also help you function more comfortably and independently at home. Equipment to facilitate this transition includes a toilet seat riser, shower chair and a specially designed “grabber” stick that enables you to more easily retrieve items from the floor or a high shelf.
We will also demonstrate:
Studies show that the prognosis is good for patients who engage in home care physical therapy after a hip fracture.
By strengthening other parts of your body to improve your overall stability, balance and coordination, physical therapy will also help you learn how to prevent a fall. Stretching, resistance training, balance training, breathing exercises and aerobic exercises will help improve your mobility.You can improve your fitness, strength, flexibility and coordination by including regular exercise early on in the rehabilitation process.