Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic in Wyckoff

The Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic (Sports Awareness for Educating Today’s Youth ™) is a three-hour program that meets the “Minimum Standards for Volunteer Coaches Safety Orientation and Training Skills Programs” (N.J.A.C. 5:52) and provides partial civil immunity protection to volunteer coaches under the “Little League Law” (2A:62A-6 et. seq.)This clinic will be presented by Tom WillemannBoard Certified Physical Therapist specializing in Sports and Orthopedic Physical Therapy from Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Wyckoff, NJ.  The course will be presented at the Wyckoff library for Wyckoff residents and past friends and family from Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation.  This is a non sport-specific, common sense clinic which covers: legal aspects of coaching concepts, training and conditioning athletes, and medical/first aid aspects of coaching.  Most importantly it is a required course for anyone who is coaching for Wyckoff recreation:.

  • Location:
    • Wyckoff Library
    • 200 Woodland Ave.
    • Wyckoff, NJ 07481
  • Cost: $30.00 Cash or Check Only
  • Time: Sign In at 6:00pm and starts 6:15-9:15pm
  • Date: March 13th, 2014
  • Register by calling Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Wyckoff, NJ at (201) 251-2422 or email

At the end of the course Tom will be available to discuss questions regarding the course or sports or orthopedic physical therapy.

Tom Willemann

Tom Willemann

Tom Willemann is a premier physical therapist based out of Bergen County, New Jersey. He holds an MS in physical therapy from the University of Miami, is credentialed in the world-renowned McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), and holds an OCS (Orthopedic Clinical Specialist) certification. As of 2018, there are approximately 14,000 ABPTS certified specialists in the nation and less than 400 of them are located in the state of New Jersey. Tom is the owner and director of Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Paramus. He opened the clinic, which specializes in spine and sports injury prevention, in 2004 after many years of experience in the field. Tom’s caring interest in others and his strong belief in continuity of care, combined with his clinic’s ability to find solutions for the most difficult orthopedic problems, have earned Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation its excellent reputation with patients and medical professionals in northeastern New Jersey and beyond. A true “family man,” Tom takes pride in his clinic’s warm and welcoming environment.
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