Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Fighting Arthritis? Strengthen Your Muscles

Arthritis may be a joint disease, but strengthening the muscles is an important component in its treatment. That is because a leading cause of limited movement in people with arthritis—especially, for instance, knee arthritis—is the weakening of surrounding muscles, rather than pain, dysfunction or abnormalities in the joint itself. This raises an important question: IsContinue Reading »

Synvisc Injections for Osteoarthritis- Why do they work?

For over 10 years patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and shoulder have had an alternative to oral medication for controlling knee or shoulder pain.  The advent of the use of an intra-articular injections of mostly known as there brand name Synvisc  or Hyaluranon that serve to lubricate the joint surfaces can provide significant painContinue Reading »