Tom Willemann Health Tips

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TENS Ways to Alleviate Pain

ptd0414ElectricStimulationOne approach used in a rehabilitation program, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) uses an electric current to stimulate muscles to contract. Electrical impulses are thought to interrupt messages sent by pain receptors from the nerves to the brain. If the brain does not receive these messages, it does not recognize pain, and you do not feel any. Or, the electrical impulses released during TENS may encourage the body to produce more of its own endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. Thus, pain-free exercise may be possible.

The noninvasive TENS treatment involves placing small electrodes, held in place with adhesive, over the painful body part. These are attached to a machine that sends tiny electrical impulses to the painful joint or area of the body. The current impulses emitted by TENS are very low; you may feel a warm or tingling sensation at the site of placement. A 15-minute TENS session may be repeated frequently to help alleviate pain.
TENS may be used for a number of conditions to ease pain. These include

  • migraines and tension headaches (A TENS device called Cefaly has recently been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for these patients.)
  • cancer pain
  • arthritis
  • bursitis
  • tendonitis
  • injuries that result in chronic pain
  • postsurgical pain
  • pain during childbirth

While TENS does not cure the source of the pain or treat the underlying problem, many people consider it to be worthwhile, even if the pain returns. Thus, it is worth talking to your physician and us about trying TENS to manage your pain. With pain-free exercise as part of a rehabilitation program, you can have a stronger, healthier body.
Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Wyckoff, NJ provides orthopedic and sports physical therapy services for the greater Ridgewood, Wyckoff, and Bergen County region.  This blog is intended for informational purposes only and should not be used for diagnostic or prescriptive purposes. The views expressed here are the author’s views and should be taken as suggestions. Always consult your doctor or healthcare practitioner before engaging in a physical therapy or rehabilitative program.

Tom Willemann

Tom Willemann

Tom Willemann is a premier physical therapist based out of Bergen County, New Jersey. He holds an MS in physical therapy from the University of Miami, is credentialed in the world-renowned McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), and holds an OCS (Orthopedic Clinical Specialist) certification. As of 2018, there are approximately 14,000 ABPTS certified specialists in the nation and less than 400 of them are located in the state of New Jersey. Tom is the owner and director of Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Paramus. He opened the clinic, which specializes in spine and sports injury prevention, in 2004 after many years of experience in the field. Tom’s caring interest in others and his strong belief in continuity of care, combined with his clinic’s ability to find solutions for the most difficult orthopedic problems, have earned Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation its excellent reputation with patients and medical professionals in northeastern New Jersey and beyond. A true “family man,” Tom takes pride in his clinic’s warm and welcoming environment.
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