When you initially develop low back pain a few questions come up. Do I need bed rest? What exercises should I perform? What pain should I seek help for immediately? Here is a few facts and tips about low back pain for the first six weeks:
- More than two days of bed rest is often more harmful than helpful
- Xrays and MRIs not often necessary or helpful in early stages low back pain
- Keep as active as you can without increasing your pain significantly- Just because you have pain does not mean stop moving!
- Understand what activities increase intensity of low back pain
- If you experience pain bel0w yor knees, weakness, balance problems, changes in bowel and bladder changes or severe seek meidcae help immediatel, altered urination patterns
- Spinal manipulation in first six weeks may be beneficial for certain patients
- May use Non-steriodal Anti-inflammatories or Acetaminophen for pain control if allowed by your doctor
- Apply Ice for the first 3 days
These are some general guidelines for low back pain and if low back pain persists you should seek a formal medical examination. Keep in mind persistent low back pain can be an indication in some cases of infection, cancer, or other more serious conditions.