Over the years, I have had many runners come to me with neck and shoulder pain. It’s not uncommon for this pain to occur in runners while training for a 5k, half marathon, marathon or triathlon. Many of these patients experience neck, upper back and/or upper arm pain that can be achy, dull, or sharp.Continue Reading »
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Category: Fitness
The Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss
Today there is an unbelievable amount of pressure on the public to work to reduce their weight. The pressure people might be experience is almost to the point that is unbearable and unfortunately the idea of losing weight seems nearly impossible for so many. There are so many businesses falsely advertising that you will experienceContinue Reading »
Tips to prevent shin splints
Among the most common injuries suffered by a new runner is shin splints. It is the pain that is felt on the outer front or on the back inside of lower part of your legs. Shin splints are caused due to tight muscles of the calves and weaker shin muscles. Moreover a bio-mechanical defect andContinue Reading »
Stretching exercises when planning your first 5K running race
Are you planning your first 5K running race? You need a lot of practice and improvement if you really want to make it through the race as a winner. However, there are greater chances of injury if you practice too much and quickly. Hence, you should start with good stretches and develop a good aerobicContinue Reading »
Lower Back Pain Prevention Tips on the Links
Golf is one of America’s all-time favorite sports, but it also can cause injury to the lower back and spine. Before you head out to the golf course, it’s important to note these key areas of prevention: 1. WARM-UP BEFORE PLAYING – Before you start golfing, start off with a thorough warm-up. Try some stretchesContinue Reading »
The Latest Post-Exercise Recovery Drink: Got (Chocolate) Milk?
As a mountain biker, I have definitely noticed a big difference in my rehabilitation after rides when drinking two post-exercise recovery beverages commonly used by endurance athletes: Endurox and Accelerade. My first time being introduced to these exercise drinks was after a sprint Triathlon in Cape May. Afterwards, I really had little to no muscleContinue Reading »
Do I Need Surgery For My Rotator Cuff Tear?
Whether or not a patient requires surgery after being diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear is a common discussion at the clinic. Just like with most injuries, not all rotator cuff tears are created equal. Before the decision to go in for surgery is made, there are a few factors to be considered: size ofContinue Reading »
How To SAFELY Begin a CrossFit Program
Click here to view my quick video on how to safely begin a CrossFit Program! I recently joined CrossFit located at Gold’s gym in Wyckoff after feeling my own workout routine was becoming stale and boring. After I signed up, I was carefully guided through a series of movements that make up the core of theContinue Reading »
(Safely) Walking in a Winter Wonderland *
We have been quite spoiled with the mild weather so far this winter, haven’t we? The forecast does call for chillier days ahead however. Don’t let the chilly temperatures keep you from enjoying the beauty of winter! If you take your workout outside, follow these safety tips. 1. Warm up for 10 minutes. Starting slowlyContinue Reading »