Are epidural steroid injections safe?

Recent studies have called into question use of epidural steroid injections (ESI) for patients with spinal stenosis. Some patients, whether they required surgery or responded to non-surgical care (i.e. chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture, etc.) have seen better long-term outcomes without ESI. (Spine. February 15, 2013, volume 38-Issue 4, pp. 279-291). Two key findings: For all patients inContinue Reading »

Balancing Life and Low Back Pain

Low back pain is common and can result from overuse, muscle strain or injury. It is one of the leading causes of job-related disability and missed work in the United States and is considered chronic when it lasts for more than 12 weeks. One study suggests that trunk balance exercises are especially important for treatingContinue Reading »

Fighting Arthritis? Strengthen Your Muscles

Arthritis may be a joint disease, but strengthening the muscles is an important component in its treatment. That is because a leading cause of limited movement in people with arthritis—especially, for instance, knee arthritis—is the weakening of surrounding muscles, rather than pain, dysfunction or abnormalities in the joint itself. This raises an important question: IsContinue Reading »

Tread Carefully with Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

If you experience a burning or tingling pain in the sole of your foot, you might have tarsal tunnel syndrome. This condition can mean your foot “gives out” when performing certain physical activities. Tarsal tunnel syndrome occurs when there is abnormal pressure on the posterior tibial nerve in the foot. Pain worsens from activity, especiallyContinue Reading »

How to pick a personal trainer after physical therapy?

After attending physical therapy picking out an appropriate personal trainer is extremely important.  Here are a few pointers and questions to consider: Make sure they take a health history to understand any cardiovascular or orthopedic considerations (ie osteoporosis, spinal problems, torn meniscus) Does your personal trainer have any experience with clients in a post- rehabilitation setting?Continue Reading »

Test your balance: Are you at risk for falls?

The statistics on falls for patients over 50 show that for falls that result in hip fractures, 25% result in death after a year! Prevent falls with good balance! Use the simple and quick Unilateral Stance Test, also known as “balancing on one leg.” Do it alone or try it with friends of the sameContinue Reading »

Biker with a hamstring and calf strain

History of a problem is often the key! When did it start? What changed around that time? This information is critical to a therapist’s understanding the origin a patient’s problem. One of our patients suffered a fall that resulted in repairs to his bike. Soon after receiving his bike back he reported pain in theContinue Reading »

Ankle pain and shoelaces—an unexpected connection

We recently had a patient with chronic insertional achilles tendinopathy and anterior distal tibiofibular joint sprain.  We looked at his footwear and all seemed to fit well. After trying many types of taping techniques (ie mulligan and kinesio taping) with no decrease in his pain. Finally we had him bring in his boots again andContinue Reading »

Balance Extraordinaire

At Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Wyckoff, NJ we consistently improve our patient’s ability to function in both the athlete and non-athlete.  Once an awhile I like to highlight the combination of an individuals unique skills of speed,agility, balance,and coordination.   Follow this video of an incredibly talented Scotish trick biker named Danny MacAskill!. As anContinue Reading »

Painful shoulder exercises–are they safe?

The exercises your physical therapist prescribed are causing pain. Could that be recommended practice? Recent studies suggest it may be. Eccentric strengthening in the moderately painful range may blunt pain fibers’ signals to the brain leaving you with decreasing pain as the muscles strengthen. Such strengthening may also assist in stimulating improved tissue repair. EvaluationContinue Reading »