When Your Shoulder Goes Snap, Crackle, Pop

If you’re like me, you probably are hearing some cracking or popping noises coming from your shoulder.   Surprisingly, these are, for the most part normal. However, if you are experiencing any pain loss of mobility or any potential swelling, you might be having challenges with your acromioclavicular (AC) joint. There is a substantial amountContinue Reading »

Key Steps To Avoid Hamstring Tears

Hamstring tears are a common occurrence among athletes especially those who rely on speed and sudden acceleration. Sports that have statistically proven to cause hamstring tears more often include football, soccer, rugby, runners, dancers and even softball. The Anatomy The hamstring muscles are complex arrangement of three distinct muscles that are found behind the thigh.Continue Reading »

What is a rotator cuff tear?

A rotator cuff tear is common among people who repeat the same arm movement constantly, for example those engaged in sports activities like baseball, tennis, or are painters or window cleaners which involve regular and rigorous movement of arm, often experience pain and discomfort after a while. Pain along the shoulder could also be dueContinue Reading »

Lower Back Pain Prevention Tips on the Links

Golf is one of America’s all-time favorite sports, but it also can cause injury to the lower back and spine. Before you head out to the golf course, it’s important to note these key areas of prevention: 1. WARM-UP BEFORE PLAYING – Before you start golfing, start off with a thorough warm-up. Try some stretchesContinue Reading »

The Latest Post-Exercise Recovery Drink: Got (Chocolate) Milk?

As a mountain biker, I have definitely noticed a big difference in my rehabilitation after rides when drinking two post-exercise recovery beverages commonly used by endurance athletes: Endurox and Accelerade. My first time being introduced to these exercise drinks was after a sprint Triathlon in Cape May. Afterwards, I really had little to no muscleContinue Reading »

4 Key Steps For Helping You To Avoid A Hamstring Tear

4 Key Steps to Help You Avoid a Hamstring Tear Football season is in full swing and I’ve been spending a good chunk of time on the field watching my kids play. As a Physical Therapist, this season also means it’s the time when I see an increase of patients with painful hamstring tears dueContinue Reading »

Top tips to reduce low back and neck pain while driving

We discuss multiple tips to improve your comfort, reduce pain and stiffness while driving.  These tips should be helpful for anyone that suffers from low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, herniated discs, stenosis, degenerative disc, arthritis, and sciatica.  By applying these tips you will learn to move and feel better without the use of unnecessary painContinue Reading »