Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Bracing Yourself Against Arthritic Knee Pain

Bracing Yourself Against Arthritic Knee Pain

  Here’s the catch-22 of physical therapy: Reducing pain requires physical work, but physical work can cause pain that makes it extremely difficult to do that work. Patients with arthritis of the knee joint often find that using a brace allows them to perform strengthening exercises more easily. But some people wrongly believe that aContinue Reading »

Physical Therapy: An Alternative to Back Surgery

Physical Therapy: An Alternative to Back Surgery

It may seem counterintuitive for a surgeon to recommend physical therapy instead of back surgery, but lumbar fusion is not appropriate for everyone. Many people suffering from back pain can benefit from physical therapy. Physical therapy can strengthen the back and move the protruding disk away from the affected nerve. Pain management procedures may relieveContinue Reading »

Batter Up! Prep Your Child for Baseball Season

Batter Up! Prep Your Child for Baseball Season

  After a winter of inactivity often occasioned by bad weather, the one- to two-month period before baseball season begins is a great time to get your child in better physical shape. Start with stretching, aerobic exercise and strength-training at least two or three days a week, working up to five days by the timeContinue Reading »

Strengthening the Rotator Cuff After Fatty Infiltration

Strengthening the Rotator Cuff After Fatty Infiltration

When rotator cuff surgery is needed, the surgeon has to take into consideration whether or not fatty infiltration has occurred. Ideally, the surgeon can perform the surgery at an early enough stage—before fatty infiltration becomes an issue. What is fatty infiltration? Sometimes, when the rotator cuff tendons have significantly pulled away from the bone whereContinue Reading »

Low Back Pain and Bed Rest

Be careful about too much bed rest. Multiple studies show more than 2-3 days of bed rest for patients who have low back pain actually  demonstrate a greater loss of range of motion and are weaker than patients who remained active as soon as possible without increasing their symptoms. Other studies demonstrate pain levels ofContinue Reading »

How to Pick a Good Athletic Shoe

Follow this video for easy tips on picking  a good athletic shoe.. When buying an athletic shoe and comparing different ones it is always good to do the three point test that I described in the video. (1)            Make sure the shoe bends at the ball of your foot not the middle of where yourContinue Reading »

Restoring Range of Motion After Elbow Replacement

Restoring Range of Motion After Elbow Replacement

Total elbow replacement refers to a surgery that creates an artificial joint. Damage to your elbow can initially occur from badly broken bones, severely torn tissues, a tumor in or around the elbow, or osteoarthritis, or unsuccessful previous surgery. Your normal elbow joint is comprised of two bones—the humerus in the upper arm and theContinue Reading »

Elbow Excellence Through Tommy John Surgery

Elbow Excellence Through Tommy John Surgery

One of the major advancements in sports medicine in the last 35 years, surgical repair of the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) is named for Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Tommy John, the first person to successfully undergo the procedure in 1974. John returned to the mound two years later. This procedure, invented and pioneered by Dr.Continue Reading »

Shape Shoes- Good or bad?

My wife has been asking me a about using these shoes and the possible downsides  for her low back, hip and knees and ankles.  I always get concerned when we alter the biomechanics of our walking through using weights, radically different shoe wear, etc.  Things to consider when wearing shape shoes: If you have hadContinue Reading »

Working Out in the Great Outdoors

Working Out in the Great Outdoors

Say your gym is expensive, and there are long waits to use certain exercise equipment. Maybe it is time to return to the basics and exercise outdoors. There is considerable evidence that an outdoor workout can be more beneficial than indoor exercise in several ways, especially to improve your mood and relieve stress. One reasonContinue Reading »