Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Viniyoga- Yoga that Adapts

Viniyoga- Yoga that Adapts

There has been a plethora of feedback to the article in the New York Times  “How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body”. To clarify my view on yoga:Yoga can be extremely beneficial when monitored and done correctly (F.Y.I.  I do yoga myself!)Certain poses place the spine in positions that are high risk with particular spinal disordersNo painContinue Reading »

Can Exercise Prevent Falls?

Can Exercise Prevent Falls?

Falls. They are the fear of many older adults. They can range from harmless stumbles to severe accidents, the effects of which can take years to heal. One of the best methods of avoiding falls might be the proactive use of exercise. Usually thought of for sculpting the body and improving cardiovascular conditioning, exercise canContinue Reading »

Get Your Golf Game in the Swing

Get Your Golf Game in the Swing

It is a glorious Saturday morning; you have put the stress of work behind you. All week long, you have been looking forward to playing golf. But when one of your foursome suggests walking the course, you suddenly become a little nervous. Yet riding in a golf cart robs you of much of the healthContinue Reading »

Getting Your Ankle Off on the Right Foot Again

Getting Your Ankle Off on the Right Foot Again

Almost everyone has heard of total hip replacement and total knee replacement. But fewer people are familiar with total ankle replacement (also called total ankle arthroplasty).Although it looks like a simple hinge joint, the ankle actually involves much more complex movement, absorbing forces up to five times body weight. Many conditions, such as severe osteoporosis,Continue Reading »

Evidence-based Physical Therapy

Evidence-based Physical Therapy

Over the last 10 to 15 years, health care providers have focused more on using evidence-based medicine to determine what works best for their individual patients. This involves basing treatments on objective tests of effectiveness published in scientific literature, rather than on just anecdotal, subjective observations made in the office.  While seeking out the appropriateContinue Reading »

Regaining Your Energy After Surgery

Regaining Your Energy After Surgery

 Surgery can take a major toll on your body, not just for the obvious reasons. Even a minor surgical procedure requires your body to heal, expending energy and invoking immune responses that can tax your musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary systems. The more intensive the procedure, the more difficult your recovery may be.  Spending time in the hospitalContinue Reading »

How do you test for a Sacroiliac joint (SI) Problem?

How do you test for a Sacroiliac joint (SI) Problem?

At Apex we use a Mckenzie Lumbar Evaluation to rule out a lumbar problem and hip testing prior to testing the Sacroiliac Joint.  If the lumbar and hip joints don’t appear to be a source of pain we then perform a series of five Sacroiliac Joint clinical tests to rule out whether we have a sacroiliac problem.The followingContinue Reading »

Bone Up to Fight Osteoporosis

Bone Up to Fight Osteoporosis

Primary osteoporosis is the name given to osteoporosis cases not caused by an underlying drug reaction, disease or syndrome. In this condition, the bones—the word itself means “porous bones”—become brittle, making them highly susceptible to fracture. An event as innocuous as landing the wrong way when sitting down on a chair or twisting awkwardly duringContinue Reading »

Returning to Normal After a Hip Fracture

Returning to Normal After a Hip Fracture

Hip fracture, a serious injury that usually requires surgery, occurs more commonly in older adults, particularly where underlying conditions such as osteoporosis are present. While surgical procedures are usually effective, recovery often hinges on more than just the surgery.  Your overall health, previous level of mobility and whether you begin and stick to a physical therapy planContinue Reading »