Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Does Running Lead to Arthritis or Make it Worse?

Does Running Lead to Arthritis or Make it Worse?

More Articles From Apex  What Is Frozen Shoulder?  Take A Walk In A Walking Shoe Getting To The Route Of The Problem Of Tennis Elbow After years of running for various sports – from a brief stint with the cross country team at River Dell High School, to my later years participating in triathlons –Continue Reading »

What is Frozen Shoulder?

What is Frozen Shoulder?

What is Frozen Shoulder?Frozen shoulder, also known as, Adhesive Capsulitis is an inflammatory and debilitating condition that causes severe stiffness and pain within the shoulder joint. During the course of this condition, the capsule that covers the shoulder and the shoulder ligament become inflamed and eventually causes fibrosis of the capsule, which leads to theContinue Reading »

Understanding Sciatica from Causes to Treatment

Understanding Sciatica from Causes to Treatment

Where does the term sciatica come from?Since I entered the field of physical therapy, I have been asked about sciatica from numerous friends, family members and patients. Sciatica is also referred to as “lumbar radiculopathy” – lumbar meaning the lower back region, radicular meaning affected or related to the root of a spinal nerve and,Continue Reading »

What is Cervical Radiculopathy?

What is Cervical Radiculopathy?

Are you having neck pain that is also running down your shoulder or arm? If so, you could potentially be suffering from a common condition we see here in the clinic called cervical radiculopathy. Cervical radiculopathy is a condition that results from compression of the nerves in your neck. The causes of this compression includeContinue Reading »

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Lupus Patients

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Lupus Patients

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus) is a chronic, autoimmune inflammatory disease that can affect almost any organ system in the body. It most often develops in women during their childbearing years. Currently, there is no cure for lupus, but treatment can reduce symptoms. These frequently occur in a cycle of flare-ups and remissions. BecauseContinue Reading »

Take a Walk in a Walking Shoe

Take a Walk in a Walking Shoe

When running, we typically hit the ground flat-footed, whereas when we walk, our foot hits heel first and then rolls onto the toe. Therefore, the walking shoe is different from the running shoe. Walking shoes are often lighter in weight, with more stability in the heel, a flexible sole and more bend in the toeContinue Reading »

Gaining Weight After Losing Weight

Gaining Weight After Losing Weight

As if dieting were not frustrating enough, new research shows that we are practically guaranteed to gain the weight back after engaging in calorie-restricting diets. In fact, 80% of dieters on a range of diet plans regained the weight they had lost within a year. In the past, we have been quick to blame ourContinue Reading »

Getting to the Root of the Problem with Tennis Elbow

Getting to the Root of the Problem with Tennis Elbow

What is Tennis Elbow, AKA Lateral Epicondylitis or Lateral Epicondylalgia?This condition is considered an overuse condition that results from a tendinopathy of the extensor muscles of the forearm into the common extensor tendon. The common extensor tendon originates at lateral epicondyle which is bony prominence that can be seen on the outside of the elbow. TheContinue Reading »

What are the risks of anti-inflammatory use?

What are the risks of anti-inflammatory use?

Often patients ask me about what the “down side” is of taking over the counter or prescription anti-inflammatories. Most of these drugs have the following risks: Delayed wound healing Gastrointestinal Bleeds Hemmoraghic Occurrences Renal and Liver Toxicity Edema, Nausea Central Nervous System dizziness, stupor, tinnitus Most of our physicians when recommending non-steroidal antiinflammatories (NSAIDs) willContinue Reading »