Tom Willemann Health Tips

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Can Disc Herniations “Heal”?

Can Disc Herniations “Heal”?

It’s a common question asked after being diagnosed with a lumbar disc herniation or when a patient suspects one. Can Herniated Discs Heal? from Tom Willemann on Vimeo. It can be quite upsetting to learn about a disc herniation in your lumbar spine.Most people who receive this diagnosis have been experiencing lower back pain andContinue Reading »

Moving Safely: Body And Practice

Moving Safely: Body And Practice

Are you moving house and want to make sure you do it safely – without aggravating existing injuries or pain conditions?Awesome.We have some great tips for you to keep you and your family safe. But before we get to that, we wanted to let you know that the Apex Orthopedic Rehabilitation clinic is moving locationContinue Reading »

Should I Stop Exercising With Knee Pain?

Should I Stop Exercising With Knee Pain?

Are your knees always achy and stiff?Do they sometimes feel like they “pop” or might “give way”?Are you worried that you might have to give up exercising?There are various reasons why knee pain can occur, but the most common ones are injuries, overuse, or arthritis. While knee pain can develop at any age, adults “overContinue Reading »

Is Cracking Your Neck Bad For You?

Is Cracking Your Neck Bad For You?

Are you a neck cracker and wondering whether it’s bad for you?Does your neck hurt when you crack it?Not sure what neck cracking is?When we hear the term “cracking your neck,” it refers to the popping sound that you hear when people have a stiff neck, so they try to relieve the pressure by makingContinue Reading »

Is It Safe To Exercise After Long Covid?

Is It Safe To Exercise After Long Covid?

Do you feel like you might be ready to exercise again after Long COVID?Physical activity and exercise are one of the main pillars of a healthy lifestyle, so getting moving again should always be a priority after an illness.But with long COVID, things aren’t that simple. While you probably want to get active again andContinue Reading »

Do I Need Physical Therapy?

Do I Need Physical Therapy?

Chronic pain (pain which lasts for a long time) and injuries are the main reasons for seeking out a physical therapist. Physical therapy could be the best decision you make for effective and long lasting pain relief. Ask a doctor for a referral now. Physical therapy doesn’t solve your pains and aches overnight and it certainlyContinue Reading »

How Can I Sleep With Lower Back Pain?

How Can I Sleep With Lower Back Pain?

Is your lower back too sore for sleep?We can help. But first, we need to know what type of lower back pain it is and what’s causing it.There are two main types of lower back pain: acute and chronic. If you have acute lower back pain, it comes on suddenly – usually because of an accidentContinue Reading »

What Is Causing Pain In My Shoulder?

What Is Causing Pain In My Shoulder?

Is shoulder pain keeping you awake at night?The shoulder joint has an extensive range of motion. You can move it up, down, back, forwards, and around in a 360-degree circle if you want to. However, when an injury or damage to the bones or the surrounding muscles, ligaments, or connective tissue encases the joint occurs,Continue Reading »

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