Tom Willemann Health Tips

"Regular Health Tips From Physical Therapist Tom Willemann..."

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Keep Your Blood Pressure in Check

Keep Your Blood Pressure in Check

To lower the risk of high blood pressure, or hypertension, public health officials have urged Americans to reduce their salt intake. In addition to modifying your diet, however, a sensible exercise program is essential to control hypertension. Significant evidence reveals that moderate exercise for as little as 30 minutes a day may lower blood pressure moreContinue Reading »

Don’t Let Pain Cramp Your Style

Don’t Let Pain Cramp Your Style

Significant pain affects many of us. In fact, at one or more points in their lives, about 45% of Americans will experience such persistent pain that they will seek treatment. Pain is the most frequent reason medical care is sought and the number one cause of lost productivity in the workplace, costing employers $80 billionContinue Reading »

Kicking the Pain of Plantar Fasciitis

Kicking the Pain of Plantar Fasciitis

Your foot pain has been diagnosed as plantar fasciitis, and you have been told that stretching will help relieve it. What kinds of stretches should you do?    We have a good knowledge of how to successfully treat plantar fasciitis because it is so common—about 2 million Americans are treated for it every year. Plantar fasciitisContinue Reading »

Ease That Nagging Back Pain

Ease That Nagging Back Pain

Your back is killing you, and the last thing you want to do is exert yourself. Unfortunately, for most cases of back pain, lying around in bed can only make the problem worse. Numerous studies have shown that exercise improves back pain, and the more regularly you engage in physical activity, the better. Exercise alsoContinue Reading »

Getting Back in the Game After ACL Surgery

Getting Back in the Game After ACL Surgery

In 2012, National Football League running back Adrian Peterson returned from an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear in his knee to have the best season of his career. His amazing recovery shows how far ACL treatment has progressed over the last decade and gives many athletes hope that they too can make full recoveries afterContinue Reading »

Raise Testosterone with Exercise

Raise Testosterone with Exercise

Low testosterone in men can cause a host of symptoms, from fatigue and depression to lowered libido and erectile dysfunction. In some cases, however, a man can test positive for low (or “low normal”) levels of testosterone in the blood (also known as “low T”) without experiencing any symptoms. In these cases, is it smartContinue Reading »

Keeping the Fat Out of Your Rotator Cuff

Keeping the Fat Out of Your Rotator Cuff

For most of us, the idea of “fighting fat” is nothing new. But fat is not just an enemy of your waistline. It’s an enemy of your muscles, too—especially when you are recovering from rotator cuff surgery. When the rotator cuff tendon is torn, a gap between the tendon and bones is formed. Your bodyContinue Reading »

Pinpointing a Low Back Pain Problem

Pinpointing a Low Back Pain Problem

Five is an unlucky number for many people with spondylolysis (spon-dee-low-LYE-sis), because this condition—a weakness or stress fracture of a spinal bone—is most often found near the fifth lumbar vertebra in the lower back. It may, however, occur in other lumbar vertebrae, as well as in the chest area. Spondylolysis is often caused by overuse, especiallyContinue Reading »